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Optimizing Monster Hunter Wilds on PC: Ultimate Graphics and Performance Settings Guide

After a number of public betas and a recent benchmark tool, Capcom’s latest entry in the Monster Hunter franchise is here at long last. Monster Hunter Wilds sticks to the tried and tested formula that’s been the hallmark of the series’ 20-year run: accept questions to hunt and vanquish monsters, collect the dropped loot, use it to get better gear, rinse and repeat.

Something that is new is the software development kit used to create the game. Where Monster Hunter: World runs on the evergreen MT Framework, Capcom employed its proprietary RE Engine for Monster Hunter Wilds, last used to power Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster and Dragon’s Dogma 2. The latter was almost certainly used as a template for coding Wilds, because not only are they both open world designs, but they’re also very similar in terms of looks.

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