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Pokémon Go ‘It’s Not Over Yet’ Event: Key Differences Between Choosing Black or White Kyurem

It’s Not Over Yet” is one of the Special Research Task sets available as part of Pokémon Go’s Go Tour Unova event, running March 1-2.

The event quest sets you up with some of what you need to get one of the two Kyurem fusions. It’ll give you 50 fusion energy, as well as some candy, for whichever side you pick out of Black Version for Black Kyurem or White Version for White Kyurem.

The quest unlocks at the start of the event, and as long as you start it during the event hours, it’ll be permanently available to complete at your own leisure. Despite this, we recommend trying your best to complete it during the weekend-long event, as it’ll be easier to find necessary Pokémon spawns and types.

Below we list all the steps for “It’s Not Over Yet” and an explanation between picking between Black Kyurem or White Kyurem.

‘It’s Not Over Yet’ Special Research steps and rewards

Below, you can see all the steps for the “It’s Not Over Yet” Special Research.

‘It’s Not Over Yet’ step 1 of 5

  • Catch a Pokémon originally discovered in the Unova region (10 Go Tour stickers)

Rewards: 2,025 XP, 2,025 Stardust, Patrat encounter

At this point, you’ll be tasked between picking the Black Version or White Version. As backwards as it may seem, the Black Version is for Reshiram and the White Version is for Zekrom. We detail more about which you should pick in the section later in this guide — otherwise, until then, here are the remaining quest steps.

The Black Versio nor White Version choice in Pokémon Go Tour Unova

Image: Niantic / The Pokémon Company via Polygon

‘It’s Not Over Yet’ step 2 of 5

  • Feed your buddy 3 times (Gothita/Solosis encounter)
  • Hatch an egg (Vullaby/Rufflet encounter)

Rewards: 3 Reshiram/Zekrom Candy

You will get Gothita, Vullaby, and the Reshiram Candy if you pick the Black Version. You’ll get the Solosis, Rufflet, and the Zekrom Candy if you pick the White Version.

After this step, you’ll also be tasked with picking between the three Unovan starters: Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott. This choice is much simpler, as you should just pick the one you like the best.

Your third step will differ depending on which of the three you pick, but all three of these will be spawning abundantly during the Go Tour event, so it’s not a huge deal if you pick one over the other.

‘It’s Not Over Yet’ step 3 of 5

  • Power up grass-/fire-/water-type Pokémon 5 times (1 Incense)
  • Use an Incense (Snivy/Tepig/Oshawott encounter)

Rewards: 25 Snivy/Tepig/Oshawott Candy, 5 Snivy/Tepig/Oshawott Candy XL

‘It’s Not Over Yet’ step 4 of 5

  • Catch Reshiram/Zekrom (25 Blaze/Volt Fusion Energy)
  • Catch Kyurem (25 Blaze/Volt Fusion Energy)
  • Fuse Kyurem (5,000 Stardust)

Rewards: 5 Reshiram/Zekrom Candy, 1 Reshiram/Zekrom Candy XL, 2,025 XP

‘It’s Not Over Yet’ step 5 of 5

  • Win 5 raids (Pikachu [Hilbert’s hat] encounter)
  • Win 5 raids (Pikachu [Hilda’s hat] encounter)
  • Win 5 raids (Pikachu [Nate’s visor] encounter)
  • Win 5 raids (Pikachu [Rosa’s visor] encounter)

Rewards: 5 Kyurem Candy, 5 Go Tour stickers, 5 Silver Pinap Berries

‘It’s Not Over Yet’ choose a path outcome: Black or White Kyurem?

Early on in the research, you’ll be tasked to pick between the Black Version (Reshiram) or the White Version (Zekrom). The choice you pick will give you rewards that’ll help you get one of the two Kyurem fusions.

Here are the differences at a glance:

  • Black or White Kyurem encountered in raids will be guaranteed to know the move Glaciate for the color you choose.
  • The quest steps and rewards around Reshiram and Zekrom will be altered on your decision (being rewarded Reshiram or Zekrom-specific candy, XL candy and fusion energy, and having to catch that Pokémon if you choose the Black or White path respectively).
  • You’ll get the Black Version or White Version medal for your trainer profile’s medal list.

Ultimately, though your decision should be based on whether you want Black or White Kyurem to be guaranteed the move Glaciate for the Adventure Effect when fused, the other color still has a chance of knowing this move when caught in raids during the event — or through the use of a Elite TM — so know it’s not a deal breaker.

The rewards, meanwhile, are all things you can source elsewhere from raid completions (or from the event’s free fusion energy codes). If you want to know Black or White Kyurem is stronger to help make your decision for that guaranteed move, read the next section, but in the end, go for the guaranteed move as your primary factor.

Remember, before you pick, that the color of the Black Version is tied to the white-colored legendary Reshiram, while the White Version is tied to the black-colored legendary Zekrom. This matches the Pokémon Black and White games, where each colored legendary was found in the opposite game. Going in with this knowledge may save you a surprise if you were expecting the colors to be aligned!

Is Black or White Kyurem better than the other?

If you want a breakdown on the meta and the usefulness surrounding these Pokémon, we got you. Again, you can still get both Black and White Kyurem from raids regardless of the quest decision you make during the event, but a tl;dr of what you need to know as you enter the event:

  • Black Kyurem is an overall stronger attacker, though White Kyurem is a better specific ice-type attacker.
  • Both are very good in Master League, though Black Kyurem is slightly better.
  • White Kyurem’s Adventure Effect slows down the target ring speed, when catching Pokémon and Black Kyurem’s prevents the target from moving.
  • Out of the above two Adventure Effects, White Kyurem’s buffs catch rate more than Black Kyurem’s does, according to datamines.

If you want more info about the above, we explain more in-depth below.

White Kyurem and Black Kyurem as seen in Pokémon, split by the Go Tour logo in the middle.

Image: Niantic

In terms of gyms and raids (the PvE meta), Black Kyurem comes out ahead of White Kyurem. Black Kyurem is the #2 best ice-type attacker in the game and the #4 best dragon-type attacker in the game — overall ranking it as the #5 best general raid attacker in the game, according to the data from the Pokémon Go Database.

White Kyurem, however, is the #1 ice-type attacker, the #15 dragon-type attacker, and thus the #12 best general raid attacker in the game. This means they’re actually pretty close. If you specifically want an ice-type attacker to help you take down dragon-types, pick White Kyurem. If you want a better general attacker, pick Black Kyurem.

As for Go Battle League (PvP), Black Kyurem is #2 and White Kyurem is #5 as the top Pokémon for Master League, according to PvPoke. The difference is small, but if you’re looking to minmax in PvP and are ready to invest in a third move slot and all that jazz, Black Kyurem is the choice for you.

You will also want to consider the Adventure Effects that each Pokémon has:

  • White Kyurem knows Adventure Effect Ice Burn, which slows down the target ring when catching Pokémon for 10 minutes. This also makes the Pokémon “much easier to catch,” according to Niantic.
  • Black Kyurem knows Adventure Effect Freeze Shock, which locks the Pokémon you’re trying to catch in place, preventing it from moving around for 10 minutes. Just like the above move, it also makes the Pokémon “much easier to catch.”

Both of these help catch Pokémon, but Black Kyurem’s will specifically help you against any pesky flying/floating Pokémon that love to wiggle around while you’re hucking precious Premier Balls at it. While not confirmed directly by Niantic, the Pokémon Go Wiki has datamined information stating that White Kyurem increases catch rate by 50%, whereas Black Kyurem only increases catch rate by 25%. That being said, it may be wiser to pick White Kyurem if you planning on taking advantage of that higher catch rate (for creatures like, say, the Galarian birds).

Finally, keep in mind that the stats your Black and White Kyurem will get are based off of the Kyurem, not the Reshiram or Zekrom. If you’re looking to fuse because you’ve been sitting on a high-IV Reshiram or Zekrom, don’t do it! Keep that Reshiram as a fire-type attacker and the Zekrom as an electric-type attacker.

Again, this doesn’t mean that picking one means you can’t have the other. During the Go Tour: Unova event, tons of Black and White Kyurem will be appearing in raids, alongside Reshiram and Zekrom, so you can battle it out in raids to get the materials for the one you don’t pick from the research. Don’t get got by FOMO — even Dusk Mane and Dawn Wing Necrozma ended up returning as part of a raid day several months after its initial debut, so even if you don’t nab one now, there’s hope for later events.

If you’re diving deep into Pokémon Go’s Go Tour: Unova weekend event, we have the information you need. Check out our guides on redeeming free fusion energy codes, the event rotating habitats and perks, how Black and White Kyurem work, the Go Tour Pass, and our Kyurem raid guide.

While not 100% exclusive to Go Tour: Unova, we also have a guide with the Meloetta Masterwork Research steps — though the chance to buy the ticket ends once the event is over.

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