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Sim racers rejoice, F1 champ Max Verstappen says you’re getting a ’90 to 95%’ accurate experience even without that megabucks motion rig

Q&A with Max Verstappen – YouTube
Q&A with Max Verstappen - YouTube

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It’s not actually true that four-time F1 champ Max Verstappen has a racing sim rig in his private plane. But he is a serious racing sim aficionado to the extent of having one in his motorhome at European F1 races and generating controversy over his late-night sim racing antics before actual F1 races. So, when Verstappen says racing sims are “90-95% there,” you have to take notice.

What’s more, the good news for those of us without the spare $10k to spend on a motion rig is that Verstappen doesn’t think they’re all that. Actually, they’re too slow for him. Hold that thought.

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