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Sorry, 2024’s record-breaking 402,000,000 Mbps internet connection isn’t available at your house yet

Earlier this year researchers at Japan’s National Institutde of Information and Communications Technology (NIICT) hit a record-breaking speed for internet over a standard fibre optic cable: 402 Tbps. With a T. That’s 402,000,000 Mbps, to put it in the speed measurement you’re probably more familiar with.

No, I’m not going to try and put it in terms of the 56K connection you were using in 1999. That’s too many phone lines, okay? I’m too busy bugging my ISP and asking when I’m going to be able to upgrade from this absolutely trash 1,000 Mbps they’re selling me now. I mean, if those nerds can hit 402 Tbps why can’t I have it?

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