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Sorry, Thanos fans, but that Agatha All Along twist has nothing to do with the big purple meanie

A big Agatha All Along twist had some Marvel comics fans thinking about Thanos, but unfortunately, the connection many might want isn’t there.

Spoilers ahead for episode 7 of Agatha All Along.

Those that know Thanos well know that his movie counterpart is actually quite different from his original comic book version. In the films, his whole thing is that he wants to bring balance to the universe because of… uh, overpopulation, or something, I don’t remember entirely, it was stupid. In the comic books, however, he wants to kill off the universe all to please the one person he’s in love with most: Death incarnate. Yep, Thanos loves killing in the comics just because he’s a bit too horny, which is pretty par for the course when it comes to comic book silliness, and you can see why they didn’t put that in a film.

Death hadn’t been established in the MCU, or well, Death the being, not death the concept, anyway, so it’s not like that would have worked. Except in the seventh episode of the currently airing Marvel TV series Agatha All Along, Aubrey Plaza’s character Rio Vidal was revealed to be Death (something many fans theorised and others outright knew because it was leaked through a Pop Funko figure (oops!)). Unfortunately for all you Thanos x Death shippers out there though, her apperance in the MCU currently has no meaning for The Mad Titan.

Speaking to Inverse, showrunner Jac Schaeffer quite plainly said that “Thanos is not in my show, so I can’t speak to any Thanos connections. Thanos stans out there, I have no answers for you.” Obviously that doesn’t completely rule out anything in the future, the MCU is too big for one showrunner to have final say on things like that, and even if Thanos is dead, there is that whole multiverse thing Marvel is doing. But to be perfectly honest, I think it’s probably best to leave that storyline in the comics so people can continue to make TikToks tell you facts you didn’t know about Thanos.

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