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Spacefaring Adventure: Jump Ship Draws Inspiration from Sea of Thieves, Capturing Its Pirate Sandbox Charm with a Cosmic Twist.

My favorite co-op game of the past decade is Sea of Thieves: I love sailing a galleon into dangerous territory with friends, engaging in ship-to-ship and person-to-person (or skeleton) combat, then scampering off with loot. A game like Sea of Thieves, but in space? I’ll definitely give it a try.

Jump Ship is a mission-based co-op FPS from Keepsake Games where you and up to three other crew members pilot a spaceship, engage in ship-to-ship battles and first-person combat, and salvage gear and goodies you can use to upgrade your ship. I recently got to try a hands-on preview, joined by PC Gamer’s answer to Han Solo: Morgan Park. (I’m not sure if that makes me Luke or Chewbacca. Whoever has the worst aim, I guess.)

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