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Spider-Man 2’s first PC patch is live with ‘several crash fixes,’ UI improvements, and an auto-save backup

After a rough start that stuck it with a “mixed” user rating on Steam, Spider-Man 2 on PC finally has its first proper patch, with fixes for “several” crash issues and bugs, and a promise that “more bug fixes, improvements and performance optimizations” are on the way.

Spider-Man 2 did not quite stick the landing when it hit PC in January, as a multitude of players ran face-first into sub-par performance and hard crashes. PC Gamer’s Nick Evanson, who understands this sort of thing, explained that the game’s use of the GPU decompression option in DirectStorage may be at the root of at least some of the game’s performance issues. There’s no mention of that in today’s patch notes, although as Nick said, fixing it might be a bigger problem than it seems because of possible spinoff effects, particularly for people on lower-end gaming rigs.

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