Games News Hub

Spirit of the PC 2024: Stalker 2

Stalker 2 captured the Sprit of the PC this year—its vibrancy, inventiveness (and, yes, occasional jank). For more awards, visit our Game of the Year 2024 hub.

Joshua Wolens, News Writer: This might sound odd, but what I most love about Stalker 2 is how Stalker it is: how far it goes—even in dolled-up 2024 form—to preserve all the systemic strangeness and seemingly bizarre design priorities that made the original games great. Even with the A-Life system apparently busted, the world still feels to me like it lives, breathes, and vibrates with potential for complete lunacy—boss encounters can get cut short when the scary monster stumbles into an anomaly, packs of dogs can descend on your enemies to wipe them out before you can even unholster your gun, that kind of thing.

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