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Strategies for Landing a Job at InZoi Tips for Securing a Position at InZoi Steps to Successfully Apply for a Job at InZoi How to Join the InZoi Team: A Guide Mastering the Job Hunt at InZoi Essential Tips for Getting Hired at InZoi Your Roadmap to a Career at InZoi How to Stand Out When Applying to InZoi Practical Advice for Getting a Job at InZoi A Beginner’s Guide to Working at InZoi

What is the single thing that we all spend the biggest portion of our waking hours doing? Our jobs, of course. It’s what I’m doing right now as I write this article, even. No life sim would be complete with jobs–and so obviously InZoi gives players the chance to go to work and get their daily grind on. Here’s how to get a job in Krafton’s new Sims competitor.

How to get a job in InZoi

As with The Sims 4, there are two main types of jobs to choose from: those which send you to a “rabbit hole,” in which you’re simply offscreen at a workplace that’s not on the map, and those where you have to actively control your Zoi as they go about their day at the office. Most jobs are of the rabbit hole type, but each of the available cities also includes two unique active jobs that you can choose from as well.

To get a job, you’ll need to click on the careers button at the bottom of your Zoi’s phone screen, where you can see all the options. In Dowon, the two active jobs are at the fire department, or at Adam Entertainment, an idol management company–all the other available career jobs, which have a little briefcase mark on their icons, are the rabbit hole type of jobs. There are also part-time jobs, too, but you will never be promoted or get a raise at those jobs.

When you’ve picked a job you want, you just have to apply and you’ll be automatically accepted for the position, because the only qualification for getting a job in Inzoi is age–you just can’t be too young or too old. But there are no education requirements for any jobs in InZoi right now.

You'll need to actively do your job in InZoi if you want to get promoted.
You’ll need to actively do your job in InZoi if you want to get promoted.

Once you have a job, you’ll need to actually succeed at it if you want to earn a promotion and get a raise. For the rabbit hole-type jobs, you don’t really have to put any effort in beyond making sure your Zoi got a good night’s sleep before work–everything they do offscreen is automatic.

But the active careers, by contrast, require active engagement from the player. To be promoted, you’ll need to complete the various tasks you’re given during your day, which appear in a small window in the corner of your screen. You can also let them work autonomously if you’d like–Zois are pretty good at remembering to do the assigned tasks if you let them be.

But you will need to be present with your Zoi while they’re at work to make progress toward a promotion. If you send your Zoi off to an active job while you’re controlling a different Zoi in your family, they’ll still earn their salary but they won’t make any progress in their career. Their performance won’t be negative, but you won’t get any closer to being promoted that way. So if you have a big family and don’t want to supervise your Zoi at work, you should choose one of the non-active jobs.

For those who don’t love the structure of a normal job, there are tons of other ways to make money in InZoi. As with The Sims 4, you can paint, make music, develop software, and take part in all sorts of other freelance-type gigs, and even commit crimes. The possibilities are wide open, even though InZoi only just launched in Early Access.

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