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Studio Behind Until Dawn Remake ‘Effectively Shut Down’ After Layoffs, According to New Report

Until Dawn Remake players are still sharing bug reports with UK developer Ballistic Moon, but there’s apparently no one left to respond. “The studio has effectively closed now,” one anonymous source told Insider Gaming.

An undisclosed number of layoffs were publicly announced last September, shortly before the Until Dawn remake’s launch in October. According to IG’s source, these amounted to “roughly 40 employees”. “Around 20” developers were allegedly kept on for post-launch support until they themselves were laid off last December, leaving a handful of employees “at most” alongside studio founders. “There are no employees in public relations, marketing, or development left.”

Ballistic Moon were reportedly unsuccessful in their attempts to secure funding or publishers for new projects, despite pitches. New Until Dawn projects with publisher Sony were reportedly “discussed but never came to fruition”. That’s despite actors Peter Stomare and Hayden Panettiere both making possible hints toward a sequel last year. Original Until Dawn creators Supermassive – who went through a round of cuts last January – have yet to make any announcements.

“Most who spoke said that it was a generally good place to work,” write IG, although one of their sources claims that the layoffs followed overtime, and “weeks” of unpaid development work. “Nice reward for our hard work,” they said.

Ahem. Pay your workers. Pay your fucking workers. It’s better that no-one does overtime but if they do, pay your fucking workers and pay them well. If you don’t pay your workers, you shouldn’t ever be allowed to be in a position of power as long as you live. Pay your workers. It would be better if nobody got laid off but if it happens, make sure you’ve paid your workers. Pay your fucking workers. Pay them. If you don’t pay your workers they should be legally allowed to climb in through your window at dinner time and eat the chicken off your plate every night until they’ve eaten enough chicken to settle the debt. Pay your workers.

Sony and Ballistic Moon have yet to comment on IG’s report. We’ve reached out for comment ourselves.

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