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Sure, I’m scared of my own shadow, but that doesn’t stop me from forcing my friends to play The Outlast Trials with me

Personal Pick

GOTY 2024 Personal Picks

(Image credit: Future)

In addition to our main Game of the Year Awards 2024, each member of the PC Gamer team is shining a spotlight on a game they loved this year. We’ll post new personal picks, alongside our main awards, throughout the rest of the month.

As someone who is perpetually anxious about what might be lurking in the dark, or around a corner, or even in the comfort of my own home, The Outlast Trials isn’t a game you’d recommend I play. I jump at the slightest of noises and yelp as I do so, but that hasn’t stopped me from spending hours upon hours in the Murkov facility facing otherworldly horrors that would paralyse me in fear if I saw them in real life. I’ve even gone one step further and forced friends to embark on this twisted adventure with me, and my maniacal laughter has met their screams of terror across Discord. Until I’m the one being targeted, of course.

The trials you go through are nothing short of horrific. It took me an embarrassing amount of hours to make it through the first one, ‘Kill the Snitch’, which forces you to drag a person tied to a chair with a bag over their head through a police station. Along the way you have to rummage in the corpses of what I can only assume are prisoners or people who tried to complete the trial before you to find keys that unlock the doors blocking your progression. That alone is bad enough, but a series of monstrous mutants are unleashed while you’re running around trying to find a body marked with the same symbol as the key you need to find.

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