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Tales from Sol: The Gun-Dog embodies the essence and the ethereal echoes of bygone days.

According to Gun-Dog’s Steam page, this sci-fi adventure is trying to capture the look and feel of the PC-98, a popular Japanese computer that played host to a huge selection of incredible games decades ago. Many of its best and most impressive adventure games featured a lavish combination of exquisitely detailed pixel art framed by an elaborate decorative border. In spite of the hardware’s age, that’s still a high standard to aim for.

Gun-Dog manages to clear it anyway. It’s accurate to an astonishing degree; I wouldn’t blame anyone for mistaking this for some forgotten classic, even though it’s as fresh as Monster Hunter Wilds. Characters sit right in the middle of the screen no matter how many people are actually present, their surroundings shaded by traditional pixel dithering, keeping the colour count as low as possible.

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