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The Chinese developer behind Delta Force states it remains neutral on the U.S. military, focusing solely on crafting "fun and meaningful gameplay" through its campaign inspired by the real-life Battle of Mogadishu.

Delta Force sure is a heady mix. A game from Chinese devs about the American military in a Somalian civil war, with a not-yet-released singleplayer campaign modelled after Black Hawk Down, it’s the kind of thing you might expect to have opinions. A perspective. A criticism? Anything to say at all, really, about the experience of US soldiers gunning down countless indistinct Somalians.

I hoped for something, anyway, but more fool me. In a recent Delta Force campaign demo, PCG’s Wes Fenlon got a chance to try the new campaign and prod the devs about the statements they might be making, specifically its perspective on the American military. Turns out it’s no statement at all. “We don’t have an opinion in this regard” said game director Shadow Guo (via a translator).

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