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The fix to Destiny 2’s ‘Weightgate’ scandal will be rolled out tomorrow, Bungie is going to say sorry by giving away god-roll guns to everyone

A little over a week after Destiny 2 players proved that “Weightgate” is real, Bungie has announced an upcoming fix and a way of saying sorry: They’re going to sell a bunch of god-roll guns in the game.

You can read the detailed lowdown on the problem in our detailed Weightgate analysis, but the crash course version is that Destiny 2 players began to suspect that some weapon perk combos were dropping substantially less than they should. Bungie insisted that there was no “intentional perk weighting” in Destiny 2’s code, but after deep analysis—the kind that only true nerds can deliver—the community proved that something funky was definitely going on. After its own internal investigation, Bungie confirmed “an issue in perk pool RNG” was indeed throwing things off.

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