A little over a week after Destiny 2 players proved that “Weightgate” is real, Bungie has announced an upcoming fix and a way of saying sorry: They’re going to sell a bunch of god-roll guns in the game.
You can read the detailed lowdown on the problem in our detailed Weightgate analysis, but the crash course version is that Destiny 2 players began to suspect that some weapon perk combos were dropping substantially less than they should. Bungie insisted that there was no “intentional perk weighting” in Destiny 2’s code, but after deep analysis—the kind that only true nerds can deliver—the community proved that something funky was definitely going on. After its own internal investigation, Bungie confirmed “an issue in perk pool RNG” was indeed throwing things off.
A promised hotfix has now been announced for tomorrow, November 5, and as a thanks to everyone who helped track down the problem, the Vesper’s Host dungeon will serve up double drops for encounter and activity completions from November 19 to December 3. “Both weapon and armor rewards can drop from encounter completions,” Bungie wrote on X. “This will be a great time to hunt for your desired rolls on weapons, or even hit Master difficulty to earn some Artifice armor.”
Even better, players will also be able to acquire some sweet firepower from gunsmith Exo-44: “Starting November 19, Banshee-44 will have a small collection of weapons in the Tower with curated perk rolls. Our goal is to get you some perk combinations that were a bit harder to earn due to the bug. We do not currently have a planned deadline for acquisition, but we recommend picking these weapons up at your earliest convenience.”
Here’s what’ll be on offer:
- Rose – Fluted Barrel, Accurized Rounds, Slideshot, Explosive Payload, Smooth Grip, Handling MW
- Multimach – Polygonal Rifling + Tactical Mag + Attrition Orbs + Kinetic Tremors + Reload MW
- Indebted Kindness – Smart Drift Control + Tactical Mag + Loose Change + Voltshot + Velocity MW
- Compass Rose – Corkscrew Rifling, Light Mag, Snapshot Sights, Slideshot, Handling MW
- Hothead (Adept) – Hard Launch + Impact Casing + Tracking Module + Clown Cartridge + Reload MW
- VS Chill Inhibitor – Countermass + Spike Grenades + Envious Arsenal + Bait and Switch + Reload MW
Of those, the Chill Inhibitor heavy grenade launcher was the weapon which first triggered suspicions something was awry, so being able to snag an almost perfect version of a meta weapon from the most recent dungeon is quite some compensation.
Frankly, it’s in Bungie’s interests to be generous on this one, as the loot not working correctly in a looter shooter for what appears to be several years could easily have mushroomed into a bigger brouhaha. Community lead Dmg04 said these weapons “may not be 5/5 godrolls, but we hope they get some fun options in the hands of players who were hunting for specific perk combinations.” Not everyone agreed with that assessment, however.
dmg no way you’re gonna say those aren’t 5/5’s! This a like my birthday, Christmas, and Halloween all baked into one!November 4, 2024
Bungie also promised “a deep-dive article” explaining the Weightgate issue in detail, but warned that it “may take a bit of time.” A target date for that will be shared when it’s available.
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