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The Witcher series introduces a character unique to the games, but his ‘overwhelming arrogance and despicable nature’ might not win fans over.

We don’t talk about The Witcher on Netflix as much as we used to—the air’s gone out of it a little bit, I think, although I hold out hope that Liam Hemsworth’s debut in the title role will rejuvenate it—but this is interesting enough to be notable: According to Witcher fan site Redanian Intelligence, actor Jack Myers has been cast in the role of Nilfgaardian count Roderick de Wett.

“Who the hell is Roderick de Wett?” I hear you ask, and fair enough—he’s not exactly a major player on The Witcher scene. But he is apparently the first game-exclusive character to appear in the Netflix series, which is based on Andrzej Sapkowski’s novels and short stories, and not CD Projekt‘s game series. There’s a possible connection with the books—de Wett shares a name with Nilfgaardian prince Joachim de Wett, suggesting a possible familial connection—but Rod himself was entirely an in-game figure.

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