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This Minecraft creation blots out the sun for the villagers below, they surely praise it as God, but we know it really to be a functioning 32-bit computer with 2 kB of RAM

Building a computer is one thing. Designing a computer from scratch is another. Doing both of those things in the confines of Microsoft’s smash-hit sandbox game Minecraft is, I want to say, absurd? The folly of man? An affront to God? Yet here we are, and the Minecraft computer is nearly complete.

Ryan Boulds is a recent computer science graduate who began building this computer within Minecraft last year. I caught up with him last year to discuss the project, which was at the time just taking shape. Boulds told me then that he began the project ‘for the fun of it’, though was taken aback by the explosion of interest and excitement when he posted the unfinished computer to TikTok.

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