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Today’s Wordle Solution and Clue #1345 for February 23

Let’s make sure you comfortably win the last Wordle of the week, and you do it in your own way too. Does that look like a hyper-fast victory in a single row? Then you’ll want to take a peek at today’s answer. Would you rather take it slow, but still like a helping hand? Our hint for the February 23 (1345) game’s right here and ready for you.

My opening line wasn’t the strongest, but the follow-up basically handed me today’s answer on a plate. So it’s a shame I fumbled it, wasting a row on the wrong word. Wait, no, let’s call it “A thorough investigation before confirming the answer” instead. Is that better?

Wordle today: A hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Sunday, February 23

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