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Updating Your Xbox Controller Might Not Be the Best Move at the Moment Think Twice Before Updating Your Xbox Controller Now Now’s Probably Not the Time to Update Your Xbox Controller Hold Off on Updating Your Xbox Controller for Now Updating Your Xbox Controller Right Now Could Be Risky You Might Want to Skip the Xbox Controller Update for Now Is Now Really the Best Time to Update Your Xbox Controller? Updating Your Xbox Controller? You Might Regret It Consider Postponing That Xbox Controller Update An Xbox Controller Update Right Now Might Be Trouble Updating Your Xbox Controller Could Be a Mistake at This Time An Xbox Controller Update May Be Ill-Advised Right Now Your Xbox Controller Update Could Wait—Here’s Why Why Updating Your Xbox Controller Right Now Might Not Be Wise Think Carefully Before Updating Your Xbox Controller Today Updating Your Xbox Controller at This Time Could Backfire Is It Safe to Update Your Xbox Controller Right Now? You May Want to Delay That Xbox Controller Update Updating Your Xbox Controller Right Now Isn’t Recommended An Xbox Controller Update Might Not Be a Good Idea Just Yet

Microsoft is not having a good week with its Xbox firmware updates. Just hours after the latest Xbox Insider update reportedly reverted consoles back to their factory settings, Microsoft has acknowledged that the new firmware for Xbox wireless controllers has caused some problems with Bluetooth connectivity and performance.

In an update on the Xbox support site, Microsoft specifies that the Xbox wireless controllers firmware update is specifically causing some issues with “older non-Xbox devices.” Microsoft’s suggestion is that if players are having trouble with their controller’s Bluetooth connectivity, then they should revert the controllers to a previous firmware. A follow-up message on social media indicates that Xbox Support is looking for a more permanent solution.

As annoying as that issue may be, it pales in comparison to the adverse effects of the Xbox Insider update. Users are reporting that the firmware did not erase the games that they had downloaded on their consoles, but everything else was essentially starting over from scratch. Ironically, that Insider update was meant to fix a minor issue regarding the way players view their Xbox profiles. Entirely erasing those profiles was an unintended consequence.

That issue shouldn’t affect players who aren’t a part of the Xbox Insider program. For players who are in the program, they can choose to leave the preview. Presumably the final version of Xbox Insider won’t have the same issues, but the program is still in its testing phase.

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