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Using the State of Play showcase to announce a remaster of Days Gone makes it feel like Sony has graduated to deliberately trolling Bloodborne sickos for kicks

Call me naive, but I was hopeful for Bloodborne news at Sony’s State of Play on Wednesday. There were a bunch of signs pointing to it, or at least, it felt that way among the sizable population of Bloodborne fans whose proficiency at conspiratorial dot-connecting has reached disturbing levels.

In December Sony released a new PlayStation ad featuring a callback to Bloodborne, along with the text “it’s about persistence”. This implied to me and other weirdos that our persistent begging for a Bloodborne PC port—or at the very least, a 60fps patch for the game running on PS5—might soon be gratified. Presumably an actual human or group of humans made that ad, and understood what it might suggest to Bloodborne fans.

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