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Warden Vault walkthrough and lock solutions in Dragon Age The Veilguard

You’ll find the “The Warden Vault” side quest in Dragon Age: The Veilguard as you explore deeper into the Rivain Coast.

Far over on the east side of the map, you’ll come across a ruined Grey Wardens castle. Inside said castle is a vault with a lot of loot — and three locks associated with puzzles nearby.

Our Dragon Age: The Veilguard “The Warden Vault” guide will help you solve all the three lock puzzles and show you how to open the Warden Vault.

How to start ‘The Warden Vault’ in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

A map shows the location of the Warden Vault in Rivain in Dragon Age The Veilguard

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

It’s a bit of a hike to reach the castle where you’ll find “The Warden Vault” side quest. When you reach the front gate (portcullis) and the fast travel beacon there, you’re in the right place.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard starting The Warden Vault

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Facing the portcullis, head to the right (west) and through two small doors.

On your left, use Taash’s ability to explode the explodable pot against the wall. Head through the new opening, Keep going south and up the stairs. At the top, turn left and climb the ledges as you turn back to the north. Take that walkway to the end and go through the door on your right.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard starting The Warden Vault

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Inside, throw the lever on your left to open the portcullis and drop the ladder on your right. Drop down to the floor below and deal with the trio of Antaam that attack you.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard path to The Warden Vault

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

In the main room, look for a set of stairs leading down along the right (west) side. Take them down, and then use Taash’s ability to burn through the blistering drakestone crystals blocking your way. Down the stairs and to the left, you’ll find the start of the “The Warden Vault” quest, the sealed door, and a note with your clue.

The only part that really matters in the note is the paragraph, “The seals are the key. Find the matching ones and the door should open. They’re hidden around the castle.” That, however, makes it sound a lot simpler than it is.

Warden Vault lock #1 solution: Correct lever order

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Warden Vault first lock

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Head back upstairs and take the ladder you dropped back up to the second floor. Go outside, and drop down into the courtyard below you. Directly behind you, there’s a hallway blocked by a wagon. Destroy the wagon and take the hall to the end.

Rook stands near levers for one of the locks in the Warden Vault in Dragon Age the Veilguard

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Clear out all the crates and barrels, and you’ll find three levers on the wall. The left and right switches light the two torches on the left and right respectively, and the center lever lights only the center torch.

  • Left lever
  • Right lever
  • Center lever.
Rook stands near a gate during the Warden Vault in Dragon Age the Veilguard

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Head back out and take two rights to work your way back to the (now opened) portcullis. Head through and take the ladder up. This time, you’ll see the three mini-seals over the switch there are lit. Throw the switch and head inside.

Open the chest on the left and then throw the lever on the right that’s under the full-sized seal.

Warden Vault lock #2 solution: All ghost locations

Back downstairs, head to the south by where you fought the Antaam earlier. Head through the door to the west and follow the hall to the left. When you come outside, look to your right to find a stabbed skeleton being circled by some glowing butterflies:

Dragon Age: The Veilguard The Warden Vault first ghost location

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Investigate it to start this puzzle. You’ll have to follow the ghost through three more locations around the castle in order.

For the next ghost location, head back into the main hall and go back through the portcullis. Take a left and retrace your steps to how you entered a minute ago. This time, at the top of the stairs, take a right and duck behind the wall there to find the second ghost location. You’re looking for the glowing green spot in the image below:

Dragon Age: The Veilguard The Warden Vault second ghost location

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Turn around and retrace your steps back toward the front gate (we’re tired of saying portcullis). On your way, you’ll pass by the third location. You’re looking for the glowing green spot in the image below:

Dragon Age: The Veilguard The Warden Vault third ghost location

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

The final ghost location is inside. At the south end of the hall where you fought the Antaam earlier, you’ll find the ghost near the right (west) wall. You know the drill. Spot, glowing, green.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard The Warden Vault fourth ghost location

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

After you find the ghost at its final location, a secret door will open. Head inside the room and throw the lever.

Warden Vault lock #3 solution: Where to bring the wisp

Head back to where you first started following the ghost. Just a little farther south, you’ll find another hallway. Take that, and continue south.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard The Warden Vault third lock

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Eventually, you’ll come to an open area full of Antaam. Clear them out, and then head back to stand behind the statue overlooking the courtyard.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard The Warden Vault explodable pot

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Look up and to the right to find an explodable pot. Hit it with Taash’s ability, and you’ll knock down a ladder. Before you head up, look to the right (north) to find the hall where you entered.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard The Warden Vault blistering drakestone

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Go inside and take an immediate left. At the back of the next room, you’ll find some more blistering drakestone. Melt it, and follow the hallway inside to the end. Rook will comment that you need to find a wisp. Let’s go do that.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard wisp activating a lever

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Head back to the clearing and climb the ladder you knocked down. At the top, you’ll find a wisp waiting for you. Collect it, and hurry back to the waiting skeleton and lever.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard The Warden Vault

Image: BioWare/Electronic Arts via Polygon

Head all the way back to where you started the quest. This time, you can just open the door and claim the three treasure chests inside, plus a memento, which increases Caretaker’s level. You’ll also get 500 XP for completing the “Warden Vault” quest.

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