Here, take a look at this very pleasing fossilised instant coffee. Doesn’t that just make you want to start your weekend off right? It was presented to me on Tuesday like a ceremonial offering, and since then I’ve kept it on my window sill and just turn my head to look at it every once in a while. There’s something powerful but also mournful about it, like it’s holding itself together through sheer force of will, long after its time is due. Puts me in mind of crumbling castle battlements under siege. It’s maintaining its shape well so far. I’m excited to see what the next week brings.
So that’s my weekend largely sorted; but what are you all up to? Here’s what we’re clicking on this weekend!
I am going to smash at least four cars to pieces in Wreckfest 2, which came out in early access yesterday. No bumper, nay wheel, nay windshield, shall remain intact.
Edwin didn’t find the hidden smiley face.
I haven’t played an Assassin’s Creed game in years, and I haven’t enjoyed one ever, but damnit if an open world set in Japan isn’t alluring enough to draw me back. I will be playing it for two hours and then uninstalling it in a huff this Sunday, no doubt.
Atomfall has sucked me in with all of its open-ended, profoundly British mystery-unravelling, the cad. I’m like Freddie Spender, except better because he never got to shoot big robots with a Sten gun.
I was playing Assassin’s Creed Shadows last weekend (props to anyone who guessed which game was up my sleeve, as I skirt around like a shinobi to avoid outright mentioning it and breaking embargo) so I’ll probably just keep on with that. We have an upcoming RPS Verdict piece that’ll reveal more of my thoughts behind the game, so all I’ll say at the moment is that it’s fine, but it’s had the unexpected effect of kinda making me want to play the older Assassin’s Creed titles instead. And I mean the pre-Origins ones especially; I never saw through the Ezio trilogy to its end, and my friends keep telling me that Black Flag is worth my time. We shall see; so many games, so little time.
I’d like to list a bevy of exciting, experimental, challenging games but let’s be honest, I’ll be fighting the same Tempered Arkveld in Monster Hunter Wilds for hours. However! This has let me catch up on Allie Ward’s Ologies podcast (you get a different ‘-ology’ expert each week for a casual but insightful chat) so I can’t complain.
My Saturday will be spent flailing, as is customary during badminton doubles sessions. Besides that, I’ll be bouncing between Shapez 2 and Ass-Shadows as I deem necessary. I might also give The Bazaar a try, as my flatmate has been doing nothing but play it and talk about it for the past week. I genuinely think he just keeps talking to me about how his run is going even when I’m not there.
But you, reader dear, what are you playing this weekend?…
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