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What methods did your parents use to restrict your gaming time?

Asking my coworkers whether their parents were strict about how much time they spent playing videogames has revealed that you should definitely limit your kids’ game time, unless you want them to grow up to be videogame critics.

Or maybe it’s just about age. The parents of young children I know today are much more likely to restrict their kids’ screen time. At the same time, they’re also much more likely to play games with their kids, even if that means suffering Minecraft or even Roblox. Come on, son. Wouldn’t you rather play Borderlands 2 with your old man?

How did your parents limit your game time? And if you have kids, do you limit theirs?

Dust2 2020

(Image credit: Valve, Daniil Lebedev)

Morgan Park, Staff Writer: Not at all. They wouldn’t let me spend all night on the PS2 if I had homework, of course, but they largely let me do my thing. I go back and forth on how I’d handle screen time with a theoretical child. Games are a lot more habit-forming and demanding of time than they were when I was young, so maybe moderation makes sense?

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