Back in 2020, co-founder and former CEO of Blizzard Mike Morhaime formed Dreamhaven, essentially Blizzard 2, albeit a bit more explicit in the fact that it has different studios working under it. One of said studios, Secret Door, is currently working on co-op strategy game Sunderfolk, and today as part of a showcase presented by The Game Awards, the other studio Moonshot Games revealed its first title: Wildgate, a sci-fi shooter that sees you piloting ships around space looking for loot as you face off against other players.
The way it works is that in each match, you and crews of other players are after an artifact, each of you with your own ship you use to get to your destination. Sometimes you’ll have to use said ship to fight against other players, though while the reveal trailer offered a look at space combat, it wasn’t too detailed. It looks like all the ships have shields and turrets to shoot at each other with, and you can even disembark your own ship to go and board an enemies’ one. Looks pretty neat honestly! Not sure how I feel about it being match based, but hey, can’t win ’em all.
Your crew is made up of prospectors, like that one guy voiced by Kelsey Grammer in Toy Story 2, all of which have different abilities and tools, typical hero shooter kind of thing. It looks like there’s a few different gun options, and even tools to put out fires on your ship.
Again, it doesn’t look like there’s necessarily anything massively unique on the shooting front, there’s only so many different ways you can do a shooter, but it looks fun enough, and I like the character designs. One prospector looks like some kind of axolotl thing in a fishbowl with robot limbs? That’ll probably be my main day one.
Wildgate doesn’t currently have a release date other than sometime this year, i.e. 2025, but you can sign-up to playtest it if the trailer piques your interest.
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