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Wordle solution and clue for February 17, puzzle #1339

Use our general Wordle tips to make the most out of every guess you make this Monday, and pair that up with our freshly-written clue for the February 17 (1339) puzzle to either get your game off to the perfect start. Or to make sense of any yellows you find later on. Need more? Then click your way to today’s answer.

Four greys, one green. Weird but… ah got i—no. No. Still four greys and one green. This time though… Yep. And that’s how you win Wordle. It was all about those greys today, carefully crafting words that used a wide variety of letters, allowing me to quickly narrow down a language’s worth of possibilities to just one answer.

Wordle today: A hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Monday, February 17

This is another word for a path, particularly if through terrain like forests and mountains. It can also be a series of marks or clues to follow, like breadcrumbs.

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