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World of Warcraft’s commitment to three expansions and a detailed roadmap has, surprisingly, allowed its developers to pace themselves and focus on quality: ‘The team feels truly motivated.’

Unless you’ve been under a rock somewhere (I wouldn’t blame you, mind) you’re probably aware that World of Warcraft put on its big boots and announced three expansions in 2023. This is downright unprecedented. Even games that plan big, multi-expansion story arcs like Final Fantasy 14 will keep their next expansion tucked under wraps to help keep the hype machine going.

You might also be aware that Undermine(d), the next big patch for WoW, is going to be arriving later this week—and it’s all about the goblins, baby, taking place in the heart of their underground mercantile empire. While at a recent Blizzard event, I had the chance to sit down with game director Ion Hazzikostas and associate design director Maria Hamilton to have a chat about all things green.

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