It’s been one week since Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 released with 16 brand-new multiplayer maps, but Treyarch has already added Nuketown to the game’s map pool. The new update also includes a limited-time double XP event, and here we highlight everything that’s included.
Nuketown is live in Black Ops 6 with the map’s original 1950s-style from 2010’s Black Ops 1, with the only major difference being the updated graphics. Fans of the map will likely notice everything from the map’s design replicates the original. This even includes the iconic map’s double rainbow in the distance.
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Nuketown Launch Trailer
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“This remaster remains extremely faithful to the original design and layout of the map, even down to the precise placement of parked vehicles and other scenery harking back to the original three-lane design,” Treyarch says.
To celebrate the return of this fan-favorite map, players can also enjoy plenty of double XP. This includes double XP for player progression, weapon leveling, and even the Gobblegum earn rates for Zombies mode. This limited-time double XP event will run from November 1-4.
Season 1 arrives on November 14, which will integrate Black Ops 6’s content and game mechanics into Warzone, as well as add a new Resurgence map called Area 99.
For more on Black Ops 6, make sure to check out our campaign and multiplayer reviews.
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